How to Introduce New Foods
Most pets can handle changes in their diet easily and without issue, providing they are accustomed to variety, and the foods are high-quality. If your pet is not accustomed to variety or has a sensitive system, you'll want to introduce new foods gradually.
Whether you're introducing raw, 'people foods', canned or kibble, start by feeding small amounts, even as treats, for the first few days, and then begin mixing the new food into the regular diet. For particularly sensitive pets, start with a 10% mixture and slowly increase this amount over days or even weeks, until your pet is eating the new food exclusively. You know your pet best -- you can usually judge how a transition is going by monitoring stools -- if they are getting too loose (or your pet is flatulent), simply slow the transition.
Here's a guide to the typical transition period:
And check out some of our most popular products below to help with introducing new foods.